Hair around the private/pubic area is usually coarse and dense, many people think its a hassle to maintain especially for people who exercise, such as swimming, joggings, aerobic, cycling, gym etc.

Imagine wearing a white or light coloured swimming costume/bikini with full grown pubic hair? It can be quite unsightly and embarrasing because some hair may stick out!

Shaving pubic hair is rather tough as the hair is coarse and thick, it grow out very quickily after shaving, this growing phase can be very uncomfortable as the blunt hair poke the skin, some describe it as “poky”! plus shaving can caused ingrown hair.

Some people went for waxing, however, waxing is not a permanent solution, you need to keep going back for waxing almost every month, and there is a “downtime”, where, you cannot shave your hair because you need to keep certain length so that the wax therapist can perform waxing treatment, treatment is usually painful and therapist’s skill dependent, if you get an inexperiece waxing therapist, good luck to you.

As most people gets tired of shaving and waxing and ingrown hair due to shaving and waxing, and with advance in technology over recent years, many people started to opt for permanent hair removal treatment solution.

Brazilian hair removal treatment is rather popular in Singapore as Singaporean are getting more health and image concious, working out at leisure time, or going for short vacation at nearby island such as boracay, bali, phuket and maldive etc. Most Singaporean and Asian prefer to get full brazilian hair removal treatment as they like the clean look and baby soft skin feel, wherea, causcasian tend to prefer biniki over full brazilian. Guess there is a slight cultural different in terms of preference in this area.

Whether is full brazilian or bikini hair removal, most people are very satified with the results they get because they no longer need to shave or wax anymore, after averaging 10 treatment sessions.